Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sodom and Gamorrah

Wow, I have not updated this in FOREVER!!! Ill try to update it more often now... Here's my latest work, a series I'm doing on "epic scenes from the Bible" Sodom and Gamorrah being obliterated. epic

Monday, July 5, 2010

alright, i admit it, i used a tutorial for this, but i did do my own thing with it afterword

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

John Doe

not really all that great, but it's my first try, with a tutorial of course, but the one im doing now should be a ton better


 not much to say, really fun to draw...

Long time no post

A rather depressing concept for a film contest i plan on entering next october, I'll try to post something happier next time.

by the way, the blog completely slipped my mind, which is why it's been some 6 months since i posted anything.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tree thing

Wow, I spent a entire weekend learning all the techniques for this thing, and, well, I enjoyed it!

Friday, October 16, 2009

this is a character that i made over the weekend, i guess it was a week ago, man! I havent updated this thing in forever!